What Are The Steps In A Water Treatment Plant?

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Water treatment is the process of removing all those substances, whether biological, chemical, or physical, that are potentially harmful to the water supply for human and domestic use. This treatment helps to produce water that is safe, palatable, clear, colorless, and odorless. Water also needs to be non-corrosive, meaning it will not cause damage to pipework.

Do you know the steps for water treatment plant? If you are not sure about this, you should read following information.

 water treatment system

The water treatment process is as follows:

1. Primary treatment - mechanical treatment section:

The mechanical (primary) treatment section includes structures such as grids, grit chambers, primary sedimentation tanks, etc., for the purpose of removing coarse particles and suspended solids. The principle of treatment is to achieve solid-liquid separation through physical methods to separate pollutants from sewage. , which is a commonly used sewage treatment method.


2. Secondary treatment - sewage biochemical treatment:

Sewage biochemical treatment is a secondary treatment, with the main purpose of removing unsinkable suspended solids and soluble biodegradable organic matter. , A2/O method, SBR method, oxidation ditch method) stabilization pond method, land treatment method and other treatment methods.


3. Tertiary treatment - advanced treatment of water:

Denitrify and dephosphor , as a water source for flushing toilets, spraying streets, watering green belts, industrial water, and fire prevention.

 water treatment system

Purchase premium water treatment system from us

If you are looking for water treatment system to equip your water treatment plant, our company will be your top priority. Our company covers an area of 15,000m2 and has standard workshop of 12,000m2. We have over 20 engineers in researching department and over 60 staff for machine manufacturing. We are not only a machine manufacturer, we can also supply turnkey project according to customers’ request, including workshop design, machine layout design, water, gas, electic cable layout design, label and bottle design. Our mission is to ensure customers’ plant properly working and help customers win their market. If you have any need, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately. 

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