Basic Functions Of Ion Exchange Resins In A Water Treatment System

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A water treatment system is one of the most widely used process that is employed for various use in most industrial organizations.


Among the various components that makes up this handy and useful system, ion exchange resin is one of them with a tremendous functions.


As a result of the effectiveness of this component of water system, they have been used in the treatment of water for so many years.


In most cases, the most notable application of the ion exchange resin is in the softening of water. However, they also have other industrial applications other than in the softening of water.


Specifically, ion exchange resins are used in the reduction of the amount of nitrates, perchlorate, arsenic, uranium and a whole lot of other compounds and elements in water.


More so, ion exchange resin also function in the complete deionization of water for the removal any mineral content that may be present in it.


Due to the high relevance of ion the exchange resin to the overall performance of a water treatment system, it is therefore a wise decision to partner with a reliable manufacturer for the best products at any time.

 water treatment system

However, in this article, we shall be walking you through some of the most common types of ion exchange resin as well as their uses in a water treatment system.


1. Strong Acid Cation (SAC)

The strong acid cation resin is used majorly for water softening. In addition to the softening of water, it also serves very well in the reduction of iron in water. Apart from this strong acid cation also helps in the complete removal of radium and barium in water, and finally, the strong acid cation serves the purpose of exchanging for sodium ions.


2. Weak Acid Cation (WAC)

Just like its counterpart, the weak acid cation resin also function in the softening of water through the removal of magnesium and calcium. Besides this, the weak acid cation also help in slight reduction of total dissolved solids (TDS) in a water treatment system.


In addition to the above functions, WAC also helps in the reduction of alkalinity in water. However, it has one undesirable effect, which is the reduction of the pH level.


3. Strong Base Anion (SBA)

The strong base anion helps in the reduction of arsenic, nitrates, perchlorate, uranium and total organic carbon (TOC). They can also be employed as an antimicrobial compound.


4. Strong Acid Cation (SAC) and Strong Base Anion (SBA) together

Some other types of ion exchange resin known as the SAC and SBA are usually used either together or individually in the reduction of TDS and minerals in water.


During the use of SAC and SBC in the softening of water, the process is usually referred to as demineralization or deionization (DI).


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We are a leading brand in the manufacture and sales of high-quality equipment for the treatment of water.


If you need our high-quality products for either you industry, home or office, kindly reach out to us, and we will be glad to partner with you for a great deal. 

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